Friday, February 25, 2011


Have you ever taken a Zumba class? Well let me tell you, it is the most fun, energizing party of a workout that I have ever been to! 
This Sunday, February 27, from 1-3 pm, come and join me along with co-hosts and certified Zumba Instructors Hilary Dymond Kamins and Adella Toulon-Foerster for a fun-filled afternoon supporting the American Heart Association! We will dance the afternoon away, enjoy light and healthy snacks, and chat with new and old friends all for a great cause. It is an event for friends and family so feel free to invite anyone and everyone to join in on the fun...the more the merrier!
To participate in the ZUMBATHON, all you need to bring is a $10 cash entry fee at the door.
Donations will also accepted AND, whoever raises the most money in donations for this ZUMBATHON will WIN awesome ZUMBAWEAR & ACCESSORIES!!! 
Feel the Beat, Party Hearty, Join the Movement to live a ♥ - Healthy Life!!!

Regan Dance Center (Landmark Mall - 2nd floor, near Macy's)
5801 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA

Any questions? Please contact Hilary at or

See you Sunday, February 27th!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Host your own Heart Month Event!

As you may know, February is American Heart Month! 
Heart Month is not just a time to think about making healthy changes in your own lifestyle, but also a time to think of fun ways to spread awareness about our nation's #1 killer, heart disease.

How about planning your very own Wear Red Day event?! 

Visit our website for ideas: 

Online Resources – Great information you can print for distribution:
How to Go Red- Take Action (free online tools for individuals) -

What creative ways can you think of to spread awareness and save lives?


Putting a Name and a Face on Your Local American Heart Association

My name is Juliana McKee and I am a 19 year old sophomore studying communications at the University of Maryland. I have been a volunteer for the American Heart Association (AHA) Greater Washington Region (GWR) for over 2 years. This past July, I was honored to be crowned Miss Teen International 2010 and I am now spending my year long reign promoting the AHA as my platform. Using my crown and sash as a megaphone, I know I can make a difference in the hearts of others!

I am so excited to have the opportunity to work as an intern for the AHA GWR this spring! Throughout my internship, I will be updating this blog regularly, as well as helping to update the AHA GWR Twitter and Facebook pages to help keep YOU informed and to help spread awareness about heart disease, our nation's #1 killer of both men and women, all over our nation's capital so that, together, we can work to decrease and eventually eliminate deaths from heart disease!